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Joint nutrition is a great nutritional supplement to protect our joints, cartilage and ligaments, which we give well during exercise. We should definitely not think about joint nutrition until the stage when we already feel pain in the joints, but ideally as a prevention so that our joints do not even start to hurt. If you are a passionate trainee and you are pushing your body to the limit of every workout, you will definitely want to protect your joints from unnecessary problems. Proper nutrition is certainly an important aspect in building strong muscles, but you should also not forget the parts of the body that are not visible, but take the exercise while getting too. Most joint supplements protect and nourish the cartilage in the joints or reduce and mildly inflict inflammation in them. Cartilage is a tissue that lies between the joints and prevents them from rubbing against each other. This cartilage can wear out over time, leading to various health problems. This is a very common source of pain and health problems as people age.

Nutrend je česká značka ktorá vyrába široké spektrum športových doplnkov výživy pre všetky možné športy či už silové alebo vytrvalostné. Všetky ich produkty sú vyrobené v ČR za pomoci tých najmodernejších technológií.

Kvalitu športovej výživy potvrdzujú rôzne prestížne certifikáty, profesionálni športovci a aj Antidopingový výbor ČR.

Skvelý krok pre značku bolo keď začali výužívať zdroj horského prameňa - kvalitnej vody pochádzajúcej zo 170 metrov hlbokej studne - predávanej pod značkou NARTES.

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