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Scitec Nutrition - Swiss pharmaceuticals

Scitec Nutrition - Swiss pharmaceuticals

Creatine is the number one supplement to improve gym performance. Studies show that it can increase muscle mass, strength and performance. In addition, creatine provides a number of other health benefits, such as protection against neurological diseases. Some people believe that creatine is dangerous and has many side effects, but these claims are not supported by research. In fact, it is one of the most tested nutritional supplements in the world and has a 100% safety profile. Creatine is not a foreign substance at all, we also consume it in red meat, for example. The only problem is that there is very little in the natural diet and therefore it is appropriate to ensure a higher intake through nutritional supplements. Approximately 95% of creatine in the body is stored in the muscles as phosphocreatine. The remaining 5% is found in our brain, kidneys and liver. When we regularly supply our body with creatine, our phosphocreatine reserves increase. It is a form of stored energy in cells because it helps the body produce more high-energy molecules called ATP. ATP is often called the body's energy factory. If you have more ATP, your body can function better and more efficiently during exercise.

Scitec Nutrition je ďalšia skvelá firma športových doplnkov výživy, ktorá pochádza z Británie. Dnes sa Scitec Nutrition radí k najväčším výrobcom srvátkového proteínu na svete. Ponúka ho v neuveriteľnom množstve príchutí, ktoré sú navyše fantastické. Každý produkt je označený unikátnym kódom na vyhľadanie produktu – UPTC od surovín až po domácnosť zákazníka. Takéto sledovanie kvality neponúka žiaden iný výrobca výživových produktov.

Scitec Nutrition podporuje významné bodybuilding súťaže ako Mr. Olympia, Arnold Classic a Bodypower po celom svete a naplno sa venuje zdokonaľovaniu svojich výrobkov - preto ich produkty patria medzi najkvalitnejšie a najprecíznejšie spracované na súčasnom trhu

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